Aidan Moesby is an artist, curator and writer who explores civic and personal wellbeing through a body of work that is at once playful, intimate, questioning and deeply human. His practice is a socially engaged one, rooted in research and response – in conversation of many kinds. He works extensively within arts and health and has a particular interest in the spaces where art, technology and wellbeing intersect. Aidan regularly curates and participates in events and discussions which centre these ideas.
Underpinning his work investigating the dual crises of Climate Change and Mental Health is an exploration into the relationships between the outer ‘physical weather’ we experience, and our ‘internal psycho-emotional weather’. He brings a nuanced and insightful approach to the emotional context of working with climate change and the deep inter-connectedness between the natural and social environments within modern life. Equally likely to be found beyond formal arts institutions as within them, his practice includes both Disability Arts and mainstream representation as artist and curator.
As a Curator, Artist, Writer and Thinker he works nationally and internationally across physical and digital platforms.
If you’d like to work together, collaborate, need some training or facilitation or would like to talk over a coffee please get in touch at ajmoesby [at] gmail.com